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Glimpse the Bloody River: This ability allows for an individual to get a glimpse of the River Styx. It has to be used while the bean ni is actually standing in a body of water of some sort, otherwise it cannot be used. A pool would also do, it does not have to be a natural body of water.

System: You must spend three energy points in order for the person to be effected by the power and once they are, they will see the waters turn red as death. You must spend three energy points and roll a six or higher to employ this power which will increase the difficulty to act against you by +1.

The Mourning: This ability allows you to cry tears of blood. It is used for the sheer purpose of frightening other individuals.

System: Spend six energy points and roll a six or higher in order to successfully employ this power.

Cause the Mourning: This ability allows you to make others cry tears of blood, which drains them of their Prana as well as having the ability to truly frighten ones opponent.

System: You must spend three energy points. Then you must touch the person in question and roll a six or higher. If successful the person will lose three energy points.

See the End: Allows you to have a premonition of the end of a person's life

System: This gives you foresight but only where the person's death is concerned, as you will not be able to see anything else about the future other than this. You must spend three energy points and roll a six or higher to use this power.

Show the end: This power allows you to show a person the end of their life.

System: You must touch the person in question spend six energy points and roll a six or higher to successfully use this power.

Winding Sheet: This gives the shadows around you a life of their own as they begin to wrap around you like a winding sheet, enclosing you providing a barrier against all physical attacks.

System: You must touch the person in question spend six energy points and roll a six or higher to successfully use this power. Then all physical attacks against you that succeed will cost one less energy point to you, and all attacks that are physical will have a +1 modifer.