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Mary Stewart had just arrived in the airport at Rome. After a long, tiring journey from Glencoe
Scotland, the woman was tired and ready to crash in her hotel.

She tipped the nice man at the hotel who carried her bags up to her room for her, and ascended the stairs to her room on the hotels third floor, using the key card to let herself inside the room.

She heard the sound of the security lock clicking into place, and she slipping into the chair which sat by the desk in her lavish hotel room.

Mary pulled out her cell phone, and made a call to David Martin, one of her contacts on the Council, the ambassador of the Elemental Vampires and the Pureblood.

"David, you never called me, I have been trying to get a hold of you for hours, whats going on? Call me back as soon as you get this message. I finally arrived in London, and I really need to speak to
you." Mary hung up the phone and waited anxiously for David to return her call.

She turned on the television and flipped to a cheesy corny English horror movie.

"Ah this is just bloody awful...." Mary said as she watched the pathetic show. "The English can do comedy, but they just as sure as haggis is revolting cannot make a decent horror flick...."

The scotswoman turned off the television and quickly moved to answer the cell phone she had laid down when it finally rang.

"Mary, Mary thank the gods you are here....I need your help, Wednesday is in trouble, the Soul Eaters took her prisoner. Our trip here did not turn out at all the way I had it envisioned." David said to Mary as she answered the phone.

"David...what in the bloody hell happened? Wednesday, captured? This is not good at all. The Soul-Eaters just executed another prisoner they took a month ago. Natasha is a complete wench. If you dont get her out, you may lose her...." Mary said to her Elemental friend.

"Dont you think I know that?" David said. "But if I just use my resources to break into the castle, then it will be considered an act of war and it will complete negate all my hard work to cement this peace process. I am going to request her release, but if such a thing is denied, I cannot break her out. She knows this. She knows she will be sacrificed. Its not what I want, but, this is far to important to jeopardize everything over a single person. Even someone I care about."

"You mean if they refuse to set her free your just going to leave her to rot? You cant possibly be serious David Martin...." Mary said in reply.

"Mary you know how important this is...I know you have a hard time fathoming how I could do such a thing as a Shadow Fae, but, you have to know.... that I have to do the best thing for us all and sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the desires of a single individual in things...." David said. "Lets have dinner....later.......we can
discuss this more...."

"I am in room 353 at the we previously discussed....come after 11 pm." Mary said as she hung up the phone.
