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Fae Powers: The Fae have a wide variety of  Breed Powers which are available only to them. Theirs is a combination of powers which were first learned from otherkin and adapted for their own use, and others which were developed on their own. Most powers are offensive in nature, and not offensive, though a few offensive powers do exist to speak of.

Soul Shade: The ability to create a creature out of the energy taken from consumed souls. This creature cannot attack, it can only be sent out as a scout for information, and it is very vulnerable to attack.

Death Sense: The ability to sense that death is in the air. Its an uncanny sixth sense which allows the fae in question to know if someone has recently died in the area. 

Death's Approach: This is the ability to tell that a mortal is dying.

Elemental Shield: The ability to shield the self, or another from physical attack by the use of a shield made from pure elemental energy.

System: In order to raise the shield, you must first feed successfully. Then when you have done this, you must make a concentration roll with a difficulty of six to shield yourself and a difficulty of eight to shield someone  else using this power.

Touch fasting: The ability to learn what powers a person has simply through touching them.

Blood Silence: The ability to render a person unable to tell your abilities from the taste of your blood. 

The individual must spend three energy points to use this power. A dice roll with a difficulty of six is also required.

System: You must first touch the individual in question then roll a six or higher. This costs six energy points to use.



Call Animal Spirit: Common (Rare) Fae are adept at calling animal spirits to their side and to their aid. The power is an adaptation of the regular animal call, which fae have devloped and enhanced over the years to allow them to cultivate working relationships with the spirits of dead animals. Each fae will have affinity to a specific type of animal, and it will be that particular animal guide which will answer their call when it is given.

System: You issue the specific call. Your animal guide, which must be determined when the character first learns this power, will show whenever it is used. The animal will have extra resistance to physical attack +1 but will be vulnerable to the elements. -1. The difficulty to issue the call is a default of six. It costs three energy points. The spirit animal has 5 Energy points.

Sense the Shadow: Fae do not have a Shadow to recognize the Shadow in others unless they are Half-Fae. Thus the necessity of a Power to reveal the Vampire to them.

System: You must spend Two Energy Points, but a roll is not required in order to use this power. The only exception to this rule with with Half-Fae/Half Vampire, who do not require the power at all to tell a vampire from their own Shadow selves.

Sense Deception: The lack of the Shadow in a Fae necessitates some other way to tell truth from lies.

System: You must spend Two Energy Points in order to use this power although its sucess is automatic as Fae have become so adept at this power.

Glamour: Make yourself appear more or less attractive then you actually are, or as someone else entirely.

System: You must spend six energy points and roll a six or higher in order to utilize this power.