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Velvet Longing: This ability is the ability to seduce someone with the power of your voice. It is experienced by the target as a sort of invisible caress against the skin as one speaks.

System: You must first spend six energy points and then you must roll a six or higher in order to utliize this power.

Feel the Passion: This power allows the fae to gain knowledge of the emotions felt by a target by allowing them to feel such emotions themselves. This power must be employed successfully by the leanan sidhe in order for them to manipulate any emotional states, or else they cannot do that.

System: You must first spend three energy points and then you must roll a six or higher in order to utliize this power.

Fuel the passion: After successfully employing feel the passion, you will be able to fuel the emotional states of other people and essentially increase the intensity of such feelings.

Inspire: This allows you to create supernaturally intense passions and feelings in an individual. They are fueled by portions of the individuals life force which is then transferred to the vampire fae and consumed in exchange for such inspiration to their craft of choice.

System: You must first spend three energy points and then roll a six or higher in order to utilize this power.

Deaden emotion: This allows you upon having first sucessfully felt the emotional state of another to deaden that emotional state. The implications of this power are obvious. Stopping the raging of an angry crowd. Suddenly removing the desire of a raging lunatic to rip you to pieces among other more creative uses. What cannot be removed is a person's faith, as that is something untouchable by the power but any other emotion can be toyed with or played with.

System: You must first spend three energy points and then roll a six or higher in order to utilize this power.