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Calm the beast: Immediately end the frenzy of an animal that is enraged and wishes to attack you, and furthermore, bend them to your will.

System: You must spend six energy points and you must roll a six or higher to use this power.

Midsummers Dream: This is the power to confuse your enemy by making them think that their is a troop of dancing and merrymaking faeries surrounding them, thus making them less likely to attack.

System: You must spend six energy points to make this power work. You must also roll a six or higher. The target must make a perception roll to see through the illusion.

Eyes of the Beast: This allows you to see through the eyes of an animal familiar.

System: You must roll a three or higher and spend three energy points to successfully employ this power.

Posses the beast: This allows you to take eyes of the beast one step further and control the actions of the animal. You can cause an animal to do things, such as attack someone else.

System: You must spend six energy points and roll a seven or higher in order to successfully use this power.

Fairy Dust: Shower opponents with gold fairy dust which lessens the opponents effecitiveness with their physical attacks.

System: You must have the person physical present. You must spend three energy points to use of this power. You must blow the faery dust on them and roll a three or better to make the power work. If its successful you will need to only roll a 5 in order to successfully physically attack someone.

Fairy Dust: Shower allies with gold fairy dust which increases the allies effecitiveness with their physical attacks.

System: You must have the person physical present. You must spend three energy points to use of this power. You must blow the faery dust on them and roll a three or better to make the power work. If its successful you will need to only roll a 5 in order to successfully physically attack someone.